
KernelCI maintainers

Roles and Responsibilities of KernelCI Maintainers

There are several types of maintainer roles with different responsibilities:

Software Maintainers
in charge of the KernelCI software components
Service Maintainers
in charge of the KernelCI hosted services
Feature Maintainers
in charge of features that span across the whole KernelCI stack
Instance Maintainers
in charge of a particular KernelCI instance (production, staging…)
Channel Maintainers
in charge of the communication channels used by KernelCI

Most maintainers are members of the TSC but additional people can be involved too.

Software Maintainers

At least one maintainer is assigned to each software component. The work involves reviewing pull requests on GitHub, triaging issue, updating GitHub settings and facilitating the development workflow. Assigning “deputy” maintainers whenever possible also helps with the continuity of the project when regular maintainers are not available.

In addition to maintainers for each project, some GitHub administrators are available to make configuration changes at the organisation level. This includes managing teams, permissions for each project, adding / moving / removing projects, configuring workboards and updating any other general settings.


The project repository contains the documentation of the project as well as some encrypted files and other administrative documents. Therefore it’s not strictly software but has the same requirements from a maintainer point of view.

Please note that other people not listed here might also have access to the encrypted files for practical reasons (shared account passwords, sysadmin information etc.).

Core tools

The core tools provide the command line utilities and the kernelci Python package used to implement a KerneLCI pipeline and run individual steps by hand (building kernels, scheduling tests…).

  • Repository: kernelci-core
  • Maintainers: nuclearcat, jeny
  • Deputy: arisut


The new KernelCI API is a work-in-progress replacement for the backend currently used in production. It also features a Pub/Sub interface to coordinate the pipeline services in a modular fashion.


The KernelCI pipeline is also a work-in-progress based on the new API and its Pub/Sub interface. This is essentially to replace the Jenkins pipeline currently used in production.


KCIDB provides a set of tools to submit kernel test data to a common database.


kci-dev is a command line tool and library for kernel developers and maintainers.

  • Main repositories: kci-dev
  • Maintainer: arisut

lava-docker (BayLibre)

This project aims to simplify the installation and maintenance of a LAVA lab using Docker containers.

Service maintainers

Services hosted and managed by KernelCI all need someone to look after them and ensure they stay online and up to date. This is essentially sysadmin work with some code maintenance too depending on the cases.


Several Kubernetes clusters are used by KernelCI, to build kernels and run platform-independent tasks or kernel tests in containers (static analysis, KUnit, QEMU…).

  • Maintainers: khilman, broonie
  • Resources: Azure, GCE

VM Servers

A number of virtual machine servers are being used to host various services such as Jenkins and the web frontend. They are currently all managed in Azure, but this may evolve over time. They require sysadmin maintenance, monitoring tools, backups…

  • Maintainers: nuclearcat
  • Resources: Azure (VMs, Mongo DB)


KCIDB uses BigQuery as a database engine. This requires token setup and managing the associated Cloud resources.

  • Maintainers: spbnick, khilman
  • Resources: BigQuery, GCE


KCIDB uses a Grafana instance as a prototype web dashboard. Additional instances may be set up for other use-cases, such as showing statistics about the KernelCI project in general.

  • Maintainers: spbnick
  • Resources: VM Servers

Docker Hub

All the Docker images used by KernelCI are pushed to the Docker Hub. This requires some maintenance in particular to keep an eye on resource usage and to adjust permissions.

  • Maintainers: gtucker, nuclearcat


Some KernelCI Python packages are being hosted on the official Python Package Index. They all have a designated maintainer or owner to upload new versions and curate the meta-data and documentation shown on the package’s page itself.

Feature maintainers

Some advanced KernelCI features involve coordination between multiple software components and services. They also require dedicated maintainers to ensure they keep running as intended.

Native tests

Tests orchestrated on are called the native KernelCI tests, unlike tests running in independent CI systems which provide results directly to KCIDB. This covers integration with test labs, rootfs images, pipeline configuration… anything related to running those tests and getting their results into the database.

Native builds

Just like tests, kernel builds orchestrated on are called the native KernelCI builds.

Instance maintainers

As there are several KernelCI instances, it’s necessary to have people dedicated to each of them.


The production instance is the main one, hosted at It is used for the main KernelCI project and is the one most people are familiar with.

  • Maintainers: nuclearcat, pawiecz


The staging instance is used for testing new features before they are deployed to production. It is also used for training new users and for debugging issues that are hard to reproduce in production.

  • Maintainers: nuclearcat, pawiecz

Channel Maintainers

As with any open-source project, ensuring communication between all the contributors, users and maintainers is essential. Several channels are available for KernelCI and each of them requires some maintenance too.


This is about keeping the #kernelci IRC channel on updated and managing automated notifications sent to it (monitoring services, GitHub and Jenkins integration…)

  • Maintainers: montjoie

All the KernelCI mailing lists are managed via Maintaining them includes moderating incoming messages and new subscriptions, keeping settings up-to-date and dealing with changes to the schemes for each price plan.

  • Maintainers: broonie, khilman, padovan


The KernelCI Discord channel may be used as an alternative to IRC. However, more people are using IRC so Discord is only there to facilitate communication when IRC is not practical.

  • Maintainers: khilman, spbnick, padovan


The KernelCI Twitter account is used to engage with a wider public audience: events, kernel developers, other test systems… It is also a way for the project to quickly share updates about the project’s news and, achievements.

  • Maintainers: gtucker, padovan update emails (paused)

Emails are sent regularly with a summary of the changes going into production and minutes from the various TSC and board meetings.

  • Maintainers: gtucker
Last modified December 3, 2024